
Friday, August 5, 2011

Vegan On The Run - Eating On The Go

There is something to be said for the convenience we Americans have when were on the go or traveling.  Having spent the last 12 years of my life traveling for work I know how busy and fast paced the lifestyle is.  It is also a big contributor to eating unhealthy, high calorie and fat laden foods.  That coupled with poor choices is a perfect recipe for health and weight disasters for countless Americans.
It is not an easy task to find convenient healthy food on the go.  There is light at the end of the tunnel though.  Vegan "friendly" restaurants are popping out of the wood work in every major city across the US.  With a little homework combined with the ease of todays technology you should be able to find a place suitable to your veggie/vegan palate right from your phone.
Probably the most overlooked thing about travel is what you can bring with you.  Nuts travel really well and are a super food.  Some fruits and veggies are awesome travel companions too.  If your traveling by car my favorite stops are fresh fruit and vegetable stands or road side farms.  Everything is usually super fresh and it also offers a great opportunity to get out of the car and stretch.  Granted it depends on what parts of the country your in and what time of the year it is.
More often then not if your entertaining clients or hitting a restaurant a little more upscale, you can call ahead and ask if they have veggie/vegan fare or if the chef would be up for the challenge and many would be delighted to accomodate!  When checking out a menu simply ask how dishes are prepared.  You can ask the dish be prepared by omitting certain ingredients.  Because there are so many people with food allergies this is usually not a big deal at all.  Almost always you can add items to a dish too.  Skip the meat and ask to have more or different veggies to something that strikes your fancy on the menu.  
If your at a loss on where to go or want to eat in (this usually consists of hanging around your hotel room with a microwave) you can normally find what you need at the local grocery store to make yourself a decent veggie/vegan meal.  I have worked numerous shows and events over the years and seen everything imaginable come to the buffet tables however I have also seen many healthy choices on the buffet stations as well.  When it comes to those type events you have to use your ability to choose right.  if there is nothing that works for you on the buffet station simply asking a server if they have something else available.  Don't be afraid to ask.  Most of these type events will include a pasta station.  You can create your own magic right there.  Just tell the pasta chef to use a new pan without butter and go from there.    
Now more then ever it is becoming much easier to satisfy a veggie/vegan diet on the road.  Remember the decision is yours and the options are endless.  Good luck, eat well and happy travels!
Thanks for visiting the blog!  Until next time,

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