
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony - My take

This blog is really not the place for this but I'm going to blog on it and my outlook anyway.  I feel that little Caylee was not served by the justice system.  What happened to her is truly a tragedy.  There is no question in my mind that there is A LOT missing to this story most of us will never know, and thats probably a good thing.
As it relates to the trial and the verdict, I wholeheartedly believe the justice system worked.  It may not have been the outcome the masses wanted but, and think about this for a minute, whose fault is that?  It certainly is not the fault of the jury or judge.  In America, like it or not, anyone on trial for any crime is supposed to be innocent until PROVEN guilty.  Apparently there was this little thing called "reasonable doubt" that came in to play.  Just because you think, feel or believe something doesn't make it the gospel, like it or not.
I personally feel the jury did its job.  They found reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony committed murder and that is how they arrived at their verdict.  Is it right?  Only a select few really know.  I don't think the American public should be outraged by their decision, I truly don't.  I fully support their verdict as they made the best possible decision based on the facts they were presented with.  When our justice system works in this country it is the job of the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime they are being charged with.
Any way that is my take on it, like it or not, agree or disagree its fine with me.  I believe the American justice system worked the way it was designed and intended too.

Thanks for visiting,
Until next time,

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